Why is this “After The Game” needed?
Sports is a “what have you done for me lately career”. Practice consumes life. Game day, Travel days, all that comes to an abrupt end! One thing that we miss as fan is, what happens to an athlete after their career is over. That’s when we step in. I understand how quiet life can get. People that use to call you no longer call and your self worth can take a hit. Your identity is found in what you have done for most of your life. Part of what we do is help you find a new identity in Christ!
How has being let go from the Broncos helped or hurt the ministry?
Over the years I have watched a lot of players get called to the coaches or GM ‘s office and come out with a look as if their whole world has been crushed! I don’t think I truly understood it until you get that call to Mr. Elway’s office He sits down and tells you that you have done a great job for the team, but the coach wanted to go in a different direction! That’s when ATGMINISTRIES changed for me! Many of us in this room sat in that chair where the players sat. Doesn’t mattering was in sports or not, I now have a better understanding on how to help athletes navigate through these waters of life. To grow in Christ. To be better men and women. To not forget where you come from but to use it to help others.

How have you been able to help athletes?
Camaraderie – one thing most athletes will tell you , they miss the locker room first. Relationships. People you are with almost everyday We have weekly bible study, to help preserve that “Locker Room” dynamic. We talk about the bible and Life!
Personal Contact – one on one. Daily talk to current and former athletes. A lot of what I do is on one on one Not a day goes by that I don’t talk to a current or former athlete Help them with life’s questions.
Curriculum – we are in the process of writing a curriculum to help athletes adjust their first year being out of the game. Something we can teach in different parts of the country
High School Kids – we are also working on helping high school athletes those who aren’t recruited find a way to college outside of recruitment! A lot of kids are not getting to college if not recruited
Has the movie “Concussion” lead any players to you?
Yes and since the movie concussion has come out I have gotten phone calls from players asking for prayer thinking they may have that brain disease. I had a former football player call me at 1 o’clock in the morning asking me to give him one reason why he shouldn’t kill himself tonight! He called because we already had a relationship through ATG I was able to pray with him and tell him it’s because Jesus loves you, and wants to do great things in your life. The same thing that someone told me one night when I was at my lowest point! Many athletes go through this without any one to call!